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Word games for Advanced level English 

 Rhyming pairs & word building 

Try your skills with these word games for advanced learners of English. Be very careful with the "rhyming pairs" game; there is only one correct solution !


WORD BUILDINGHidden in this square there are the names of ten things that a builder might use when putting up a house. Moving from letter to letter in any direction, and changing direction as often as you want, see ifr you can find them. We've found one to help you get started: PLASTER


mixed fishThere are six types of fish in the box on the left. Unscramble the letters to find out what they really are.

rhyming pairs

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Advanced level English resource - EFL - ESOL

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A selection of other resources in graded English
from Linguapress
Selected pages
Advanced level reading :
People :  Stephen Hawking
Music:  The Story of the Blues 
Technical : The story of the jet plane
Advanced level short stories:
Blue Gum Tree - a short story from New Zealand
Lucky Jim
And lots more:  More advanced reading texts  
Intermediate resources :
Are you a brand slave?
The Loch Ness monster; is it real?
The story of football and rugby
English ghost stories  Fact or fiction?
USA: America's oil
USA: Still looking for gold  
And more:  More intermediate reading texts  
Selected grammar pages
Online English grammar
Nouns in English
Irregular verbs  in English
Reported questions in English
Language and style 
Numbers and counting in English
The short story of English

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