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Linguapress - Advanced English

English word games - advanced level

EFL / ESL - level B2  - C1

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Medical English CROSSWORD 1

Medicine and hospitals  - interactive English vocabulary puzzle

Everyone needs to know some medical English; not just medical students and health workers, but everyone. Anyone can find themselves in hospital one day !
Here is a thematic medical English crossword for students of English. By understanding the clues and finding the answers, you will learn some essential medical and hospital vocabulary in English
Interactive crossword - can be filled in on screen. Put in just one letter per square.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 11
14 15 16
17 18
20 advanced-level English crossword


1.   I’m feeling as ill .... can be!
3.  Places where people undergo long medical treatment.
8.  Something which makes you go to sleep     (traditional British English spelling)
10.  People with a virus like COVID-19 have to self-__________.
12.  The people who help doctors with some medical work.
14.  The lady in charge of these ladies in 3 across.
16.  If you are this, you don’t need to see a doctor.
17.  Small piece of paper with information.
18.  Long lasting, or very severe (referring to an illness).
20.  Take temperature with it..


2. 2. Visible marks after a wound has healed.
4.  It is usually performed by a surgeon.
5.     Person who is untergoing medical treatment.
6.  Where a surgeon cuts people up! (British English spelling) .
7.  Ill.
9.  Oily substance put on the skin.
11.  You may need a doctor’s prescription to get it.
13.  To hold a cut shut, with needle and cotton, after a surgeon has opened a person up!
15.  Fluid used in inoculations, vaccinations, perfusions, etc.
19.  Short for Doctor.


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