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Advanced level EFL resources: word games and crosswords


A thematic crossword for students of English as a foreign language, or English as a second language. Most of the answers to the crossword have something to do with the subject of SCIENCE.. This is a crossword for scientists, but also for non-scientists, as most of the words are well known terms..
Science crosswordCLUES ACROSS
4.    Energy, force.
7.    Scientific work in new fields.
8.    A source of salt.
9.    A unit of electrical resistance.
11.    A new exercise carried out by a scientist.
12 & 13 A serious problem affecting some forests.
14.    Carbon monoxide.
16.    Where many scientists do their work.
19.    Very small unit of living matter.
20.    Unit of electrical power.
21.    Liquid necessary for most forms of life.


1.    Without it, things remain theories.
2.    To become solid.
3.    Mr. Nobel created one for physics.
4.    Men whose field of work is physics.
5.    Unwanted matter.
6.    It occurs when certain chemicals are brought together.
10.    The profession in which we find doctors and nurses. (adj.)
12.    Chemical symbol for a precious metal associated with the Klondike.
15.    Functional part of a living body
16.    A common heavy metal
17.    Do this to extinguish a candle or a small flame
18.    An oxide of iron  ... produced by the action of water.

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Advanced level English resource

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