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Advanced level EFL resources: word games and crosswords



Thematic vocabulary EFL resource

The answers to the crossword have something to do with the subject of CULTURE . You should know most of them, but you may need to use a dictionary.


Culture crossword

1.     To speak verse while others listen.

6.     What poets write.

8.     A group of musicians who play together.

9.     Did not tell the truth.

10.    The man in charge of making a film.

14.    String instrument, between a violin and a double-bass.

15.    Buy one at the box office, or booking office.

18.    Tune, or air.

19.    Perceive with the eyes.

20.    Advertisements announcing cultural events (or other occasions).    


1.     When musicians play in public.

3.     It is used for recording on.

4.     A type of rock which is "heavy".

5.     He may produce novels, or even just articles.

6.     Person who gives money to help the arts.

7.     They wave sticks at musicians!

11.   Places where you can watch films

12.    They are seen on stage or TV.

13.    Singers have strong ones, or beautiful ones.

14.    Group of singers.

16.    Short video film.

17.      To try

More thematic crosswords : ► Medical crossword,  Business crossword,  and  more

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Advanced level English for

Printable crossword

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