Linguapress English

Grammar test : past tenses

Advanced level reading  Intermediate reading  English grammar  Games and puzzles

Interactive - Test yourself - past tenses    

Choose the most likely tense to complete the following statements correctly. In most cases only one answer is possible; in some, two answers may be possible, but one of these is much more likely than the other.
To learn how past tenses are used, see Past tenses grammar page.


1)  The plane
a) has arrived b) was arriving. c) did arrive d) arrived 
at New York three hours late.

2)  I can't go home until I
a) have finished b) was finishing c) had finished    d) finished this job.

3)  I 
a) lived b) was living c) have lived d) did live
 in London since I was a little child.

4)  As soon as I saw the man, I realised that we 
a) metb) were meeting c) have met d) had met before in Caracas

5)  After leaving London, we 
a) drove b) were drivingc) have driven d) had driven on to Birmingham without stopping.

6)  She ran away with her lover, while her husband 
a) worked b) was working  c) has worked d)  had worked   in Australia.

7)  Where can he be? I can only imagine that he 
a) had   b) was having c) has had  d) did have   an accident somewhere.

8)   He had worked in the company for 15 years before he 
a) got   b) was gettingc)  has got    d) had got   promoted.

9)  I 
a) left  b) was leaving c) have left d) had left   the office after everyone else.

10) Hi, I'm really pleased to see you again, but I'm afraid I 
a) forgot   b) was forgetting c) have forgotten
d) had forgotten   your name

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