English Grammar tests and quizzes -
Check your English grammar skills
1. Verb tests
Other parts of speech
tests on other points.
- ► Definite article usage quiz. In which cases is a determiner required, impossible, or optional? An online multiple choice test with answers and explanations. Printable
- ► Still yet or already - Which is it ? An online multiple-choice test. With answers.
- ► Quantifiers - some any none no An online multiple-choice quiz, with answers and explanations. Printable
- Some or any ? Fill in the blanks, as required. With answers. ►Do the test
- Prepositions Complete the sentences using the most appropriate prepositions. This exercise accompanies an advanced level English article on Ellis Island, which may or for some students should be read first. ►Do the test
- Word endings : Fill in the missing endings on a variety of words. Accompanies the advanced level article on Stephen Hawking. ►Do the test
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Also available for American English as
A New English Grammar
some more good ideas...FREE E-grammar
for KIndle Unlimited subscribers. Otherwise e-book from Amazon from just €3.99, £3.99 or $4.99

Also available for American English as
A New English Grammar

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► Discover A descriptive Grammar of English - the widely acclaimed compact reference grammar from Linguapress - ebook or paperback or hardback . Also available in an American English edition, A New English Grammar, described as " one of the most practical grammar reference books we've seen" (Reviewed in Washington's WAESOL Educator magazine
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