
Intermediate English reading

Reading and listening with

Graded English reading comprehension texts with vocabulary guides, and also lesson plans, interactive exercises and audio:
CEFR levels A2, B1 and B2, Cambridge First Certificate.
UK - USA - Canada - topical - cultural - technical - fictional
Thematic index: American themes British themes Short stories etc. Technical English Puzzles & word games

fingerNEW: find texts by CEFR Level, grammar, and exercises. See CEFR level, grammar points and exercise / activity index

For levels A2-B1, see also: Présentation en français.   Presentación en español
TOPICAL TEXTS - make the most of the things people are talking about !
NEW - Back to school 2024 - Short simple texts for low-intermediate students, levels A2 - B1

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NEW   The End of the World? -  How much longer can planet Earth survive? A B1 level text with interactive exercises and  audio
NEW   Keir Starmer - Britain's new Prime Minister -  The Labour party is back in power in Britain, after 14 years in the opposition. Here is a B1 level text with interactive exercises and  audio
NEW    Princess Kate - from ordinary girl to Queen - (short A2 - B1 level text with   audio).
NEW  ►  Ed Sheeran - from Yorkshire to the world- (short A2 - B1 level text with   audio).
NEW  ►  Martin Luther King - an American hero- (short A2 - B1 level text with   audio).
NEW  ►  Living underground - past and future - (short A2 - B1 level text with   audio).
NEW  ►  The place where money has no value - (short A2 - B1 level text with   audio).
NEW  ►  Marathons - what are they about?- (short A2 - B1 level text with   audio).
Topical:   Climate change: can we stop it ? -  Or is our planet heading for disaster? With audio

Books from Linguapress

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titles available worldwide from Amazon and other outlets


Who is King Charles III ?
Read about him in this B1  text: Britain's new king  With  audio -

All online resources are open access and completely free to use at home or in class. There is nothing to pay, and no need to register or sign up before you use them.

Audio: Many of the texts are  accompanied by audio recordings. See below.

Responsive: Unlike PDF documents which can be impossible to view on small screens, the responsive pages on Linguapress adapt for easy viewing on all typoes of device - computer screen, mobile phone, tablet,  projector.

Printing:  Linguapress reading resources are printer-ready. No need for PDF. Select your browser's print icon, or select print from the menu, to print just an article and its word guide. Exercises and teacher notes print on  separate pages.

Teachers: For more ideas for using reading resources in the classroom see Reading comprehension .

Interactive resources: Many articles come with interactive worksheet resources that can be used in class, done on paper, or filled in on screen.

Reading comprehension texts for intermediate  English - CEF levels A2, B1 and B2

searchSearch Linguapress  using - the green search engine
A collection of reading resources mostly about life and issues in Britain and the United States, in intermediate level English - with word guides, exercises and classroom activities

1.  Topics about life in Britain

Britain in general  Society London Icons Dialogues Sport

Britain in general


And new texts available only in the Linguapress paperback - ► A Background to English





  • 2. Topics with a North-American theme

    And new texts available only in the Linguapress paperback  A Background to English

    3. Other reading resources - varia, short stories, technical English, songs, cartoons

    Short stories - teenage fiction  ( see also short stories)


    Technical English


    Original strip cartoons in simple English  A2

    4.  Go to > Intermediate Puzzles and word games home
    English Grammar pages Découvrez l'Angleterre  
    en français / in French
    Discover Britain

     Click to contact Linguapress

    English for A2 B1 and B2 levels. Intermediate English reading resources 

    CEFR / TELC - levels (A2) B1 or B2 (Threshold - intermediate)
    IELTS - levels 3.5  - 6
    ACTFL - levels  Advanced-low – Advanced-mid.


    Most  Linguapress Intermediate texts score as follows on the Flesch-Kincaid scales:
    Grade : between 6 and 8,
    Readability level
    : either
    plain60 - 70  Plain English
    feasy70 - 80  Fairly easy
    To Understand Flesch Kincaid scales,  see the Linguapress Readability guide

    EFL magazine
    The magzine for English teachers

    Simplified English ?

    The "simplified English" in these items is not simplistic English, nor is it artificial English.
    It is real English, with the difficulties ironed out.  Resources in this section vary in difficulty from low intermediate English to advanced intermediate (equivalent of up to Cambridge First certificate of English level, or CEFR * levels A2 to B2), and are designed for students with (the equivalent of) at least two to four years of high-school English behind them - not for beginners.

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    CopyrightCopyright information.  

    Free to view, free to use, free to print, but not free to copy. except  by teachers for their own classes.
    All pages published on are © copyright Linguapress unless otherwise indicated.
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    Most items in the Linguapress intermediate English archive can be easily printed for classroom use. See Printing Linguapress English resources

    * CEFR - The Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for languages.
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    Photo top by Julius Silver / Pixabay   

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