
Short stories online for EFL / ESL

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Very short stories in graded English, levels B1 to C1 - for class and for home

A choice of short short stories to read online or print out,  for school, college and home study. Texts in graded English, mostly under 1000 words, all with lesson plans / worksheets and classroom ideas for teachers, for use with intermediate and advanced EFL / ESL.  MP3 audio recordings accompany most stories.

Short stories - advanced English - B2 and C1

And a longer short story..

Short stories - intermediate English,  teenage fiction - B1 and B2

© Unless otherwise indicated, short stories referenced on this page are protected by copyright - Linguapress and individual authors.

Teachers, writers ? Got a good short story you'd like us to publish?
If so, let us know

Short stories must be your own © original work, be set in an English-speaking environment, and be appropriate for teenagers or young adult readers.
Linguapress is also interested in publishing good short stories by established writers whose works are in the public domain, and welcomes suggestions. To be in the public domain, works must be by a writer who died over 70 years ago.

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Books from Linguapress

Linguapress titles
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Reading resources in graded English from Linguapress
A choice of other pages from Linguapress.
Intermediate resources :
Charlie Chaplin & the Little Tramp
The car of the future?  (with audio)
Discussion : Are you a brand slave?
The Beatles, in easy English
Who is James Bond ?
USA: Who was Buffalo Bill?
USA: Close encounters with a Twister  
More: More intermediate reading texts  
Advanced level reading :
Charles Babbage, the father of the computer
Agatha Christie - the world's best-selling author
Who killed Martin Luther King?
The story of the jet plane
Tolkien - the man who gave us the Hobbit
More: More advanced reading texts  
Selected grammar pages
Verbs in English
Noun groups in English
Word order in English
Reported questions in English
Word stress in English
The short story of English
Ideas for teachers

Photo top of page by Perfecto Capucine