Linguapress Intermediate English
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Linguapress English language learning song: modal verbs.


I would if I could

 Some people like me always have to be late
We can never be there when we should;
We’re never on time, we make everyone wait,
It just seems to run in our blood!
Yes everyone tells me “You ought to buck up!
You’ll be left right behind if you don’t!"
But I tell you it's not just as easy as that,
I would if I could, but I can’t !
He would if he could, and he knows that he should
But there’s something that tells him he can’t!
He would if he could, and he knows that he should
But there’s something that tells him he can’t!

Last Monday my Mum said she’d suffered too long
“You should go to the doctor’s", she said.
“There’s just a small chance he can find out what’s wrong,
He might wind up the clock in your head!"
So I got an appointment for a quarter to four,
But I got there at twenty to eight.
And all I could see was a note on the door,
Saying “Sorry, I just couldn’t wait"
He would if he could, and he knows that he should
But there’s something that tells him he can’t!
He would if he could, and he knows that he should
But there’s something that tells him he can’t!

I really would like to stop being so slow,
It ought to be easy they say!
I know I could try to have another go;
And quite frankly, I think that I may.
I’ll see if I can’t make that clock in my mind
Start to work at the speed that it should,
And perhaps I’ll be able to do things on time,
But I don’t know if I ever could!

He would if he could, and he knows that he should
But there’s something that tells him he can’t!
He would if he could, and he knows that he should
But there’s something that tells him he can’t!

Words and expressions:  buck up: do things faster - be left behind: be passed by everyone else - wind up:  to recharge - appointment: meeting time - to have a go: to try

Words and music © Linguapress
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Language points

This song allows students to practice modal verbs. It is also written in very natural English, with a number of idiomatic expressions:  it seems to run in our blood  / you ought to buck up /  you'll be left right behind /  I got an appointment  /  I could have another go  /  quite frankly.
What do these expressions mean?  If students learn the song, they should take the opportunity to make sure that they understand it all.

For more on modal verbs  see A Descriptive Grammar of English: Modern English grammar by example - pages 58 - 66.
More details   ISBN 979 - 8645611750.  Ebook and paperback versions from Amazon.

Interactive Gap fill exercise

Put back all the missing modal verbs into this copy of the song.  You will need to choose from
can, could, may, might, should, would, ought to, have to, will ('ll) ... In some cases, the verbs are in the negative.

Some people like me always be late
We never be there when we 
We’re never on time, we make everyone wait,
It just seems to run in our blood!
Yes everyone tells me “You  buck up!
You be left right behind if you don’t!"
But I tell you it's not just as easy as that,
I if I  but I !

He if he  and he knows that he 
But there’s something that tells him he 
He if he  and he knows that he 
But there’s something that tells him he 

Last Monday my Mum said she’d suffered too long
“You go to the doctor’s", she said.
“There’s just a small chance he find out what’s wrong,
He  up the clock in your head!"
So I got an appointment for a quarter to four,
But I got there at twenty to eight.
And all I see was a note on the door,
Saying “Sorry, I just wait"
He if he  and he knows that he 
But there’s something that tells him he 
He if he  and he knows that he 
But there’s something that tells him he 

I really like to stop being so slow,
It be easy they say!
I know I try to have another go;
And quite frankly, I think that I .
I’ll see if I make that clock in my mind
Start to work at the speed that it 
And perhaps I to do things on time,
But I don’t know if I ever

Originally published in Freeway, the Intermediate level English newsmagazine.

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All articles published on this website remain the copyright © of and/or their individual authors.
Reproduction is authorised exclusively for use by students for personal use, or for teachers for use in class.

Copyright  Linguapress - renewed 2025

Originally published in Freeway magazine.

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