thematic graded
crosswords and other puzzles are meant for
students of
as a foreign language or
second language at advanced level. They are
particularly designed for
students in the final years of high school or in further education
(grades 10-12 , sixth forms or adult learners) .
Designed to develop or test vocabulary in specific fields, they
generally use British English spelling (where it differs from
American English), and were originally designed for students in
European high schools or further education.
All Linguapress crossword pages are "ready to print", i.e. set up for
instant clear printing, generally on a single sheet of paper –
though this may depend on browser and printer settings.
Some of the crosswords are also interactive,
meaning that they can be done online, on a computer, tablet or
Linguapress reading resources are free to view, free to
share, free
to use
in class, free to print, but not free to copy..
you like a page and want to share it with others, just
share a link, don't copy.
of resources is permitted for classroom use., including use
on a school's own limited-access internal intranet. Copying to
any publicly accessible Internet site is not permitted
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