Linguapress Advanced level English
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Linguapress - Advanced English

English word games - advanced level

EFL / ESL - level B2  - C1

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Business English CROSSWORD 1

Business  - thematic vocabulary EFL resource

A thematic crossword for students of English as a foreign language, or English as a second language. All the answers to the crossword have something to do with the world of business and commerce.
Interactive crossword - can be filled in on screen. Put in just one letter per square.
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1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8
10 11
13 14
15 16
17 18 19
20 21
21 22
23 24 advanced-level English crossword


1.   Boss, man in charge of a company.
5.    Something a businessman may take, and lose
7.  Trade, buying and selling things
9.  Speak
10.  "...... well" means "be successful".
11.   Buy
12.   Animal.
13.  Reserve of unused or unsold goods.
14.  Very bad period of recession for industry and trade.
15.  A written agreement.
17.  Opposite of "closes".
20.  Labour organisations in industry.
21.  Neither ... / ...
22.  To manage, to organise.
23.  To come together in the same place.
24.  Man to whom a family business is often given.


2.  Abbreviation often found after the name of an American corporation.
3.  Part of a building.
4.  The essential machine on any office desk.
5.  Selling to the general public; opposite of "wholesale".
6.  Man who sells.
8.  Opposite of poor.
10   A reduction in the usual price.
11  A share.
12.  To repeat something, usually in written form, in order to be certain.
14.  Reserves (different word from 13 across).
16.  Something of positive value.
18.  To make money.
19.  Button to hit when you've finished writing an email.

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Advanced level English resource - EFL - ESOL

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