Linguapress Intermediate English
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America's oil - a love affair

In September 2000, the world was hit by an "oil crisis"; the cost of crude oil reached over 35 dollars a barrel, and gasoline (which the British call "petrol") became very expensive. Even in America. In 2022 the cost of oil increased sharply again even in the USA, and use of oil continues to fall .
American oil industryThey don't make cars like this any more. They used too much gasolene
    During the summer of 2000, lots of car-drivers in America were angry. The cost of gasoline went above $2 a gallon in some states. The age of cheap gasoline was over.

    Today, in late summer 2023, gas costs over $ 4 a gallon  in many parts of the USA. In California, even regular gas costs above $5 a gallon.
    This is quite cheap compared to Europe,* * but Americans think that it is very expensive.
    The United States is the land of relatively cheap energy; America is the second biggest producer of oil in the world, but it is also the biggest importer. In fact, the USA imports over 20% of its energy, mostly in the form of oil,.
    There is oil under the ground in many parts of the USA. Today, oil companies are "fracking", and they are finding lots more oil under the ground;  but this oil is expensive to extract.

American oil industryWorking in the American oil industry
    The centre of America's oil industry today is the state of Texas; and America's "oil capital" is the city of Dallas. The state of Texas produces more oil than any other state in the USA.

    This was not always the case. America's first oil wells were drilled in the year 1859, in Pennsylvania; and since then, more and more wells have been made in other states.  The first Texan oil-wells opened in 1901, when there was already a big oil industry in other parts of the USA; but without the oil from Texas, America's history would have been very different.
    In 2001, Texans celebrated their "oil centenary".
    Cheap oil and cheap gasoline helped to make modern America. They shaped America's cities, and they were an essential part of the American lifestyle. They were also essential in the great empty states of the West, where people often have to travel long distances.

    Today, Americans consume about 25% of the world's energy.... far more than people in most other countries; but the situation is slowly changing.
    Americans are buying smaller cars, and American cars consume much less gas than they used to. In the coming years, they will use even less. They will have to.
    There is still a lot of oil under the ground, but oil and gas must become more expensive in the future. Over 50% of America's traditional oil reserves have already been used - mostly since 1950. Nobody knows when America's oil will start running out, but the first problems could come in less than 20 years. And as soon as oil starts running out, its price will go up even faster!
    In conclusion, the "two dollar gallon" was good for America. It encouraged Americans to buy smaller cars, and to use less energy. That way, America's oil will last longer..... perhaps until the age when all the cars in America run on electricity.

** Comparing gasoline prices:

$3.80 per gallon =  about $1.00 per litre,  or about 0.85 €uros a litre... which is much cheaper than in Europe.
(Converted at August 2020 rates)

Word guide
situation - centenary: 100th anniversary - consume: use - crude oil: oil that comes out of the ground - drill: make a hole - fracking: a controversial new technology to extract oil from rocks - gasolene or gas (USA) = petrol (GB) - a gallon (US) : 3.78 litres - oil well: crude oil comes out of the ground through oil wells - run out: come to an end. -

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Interactive worksheet

America's oil

Exercise - comparisons 

Here is some information which comes from the article: unfortunately the sentences have been put together wrongly: each sentence contains two parts, (a) and (b). Join the parts correctly. You can select and copy words from list b and paste them into list a.

List a) List b)
Gasolene is much cheaper in the USA    than in Pennsylvania
Gasolene is more expensive today  than it is in Europe.
Americans consume more energy  than people in Europe.
Americans cars consume less gasolene  than it is today
More oil is produced in Texas  than it was in the past.
Oil will be more expensive in the future  than they used to


Select the correct form of the verb from the options in each of tyhe dropdown boxes.
   Today, Americans  about 25% of the world's energy.... far more than people in most other countries; but the situation  .
    Americans smaller cars, and American cars  much less gas than they . In the coming years, they even less. They .
    There is still a lot of oil under the ground, but oil and gas become more expensive in the future. Over 50% of America's traditional oil reserves - mostly since 1950. Nobody  when America's oil running out, but the first problems come in less than 20 years. And as soon as oil running out, its price even faster!
    In conclusion, the "two dollar gallon" good for America. It Americans to buy smaller cars, and to use less energy. That way, America's oil longer..... perhaps until the age when all the cars in America on electricity.


Lesson plan

 Grammar - tenses

 This text provides a good and simple illustration of the use of different tenses in English. In particular it contrasts uses of the past tenses (simple past and present perfect) with uses of the present tenses (simple present and present progressive).
  Apart from the first short paragraph, the first part of the text, down as far as The state of Texas produces more oil than any other state in the USA illustrates uses of the present tenses.  The second part, from This was not always the case. to travel long distances  illustrates past tenses, including a past conditional.  The final part of the text has more examples of present tenses, which are contrasted with future tenses and more past tenses.

  For clear explanations of tense use in English, with lots of examples, Linguapress recommends A Descriptive Grammar of English  sections 1.1 to 1.4

The interactive tense exercise above, which can be used once you have gone through the text in class,  should not be difficult. There is only one possible answer in each case, and when students select the wrong answer, it should not be difficult to explain why.

Other ideas?

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This teaching resource is © copyright Linguapress 2000-2023.
Updated from an article originally published in Horizon magazine.
Republication on other websites or in print is not authorised

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Linguapress intermediate English reading

Level - Simple intermediate.
Flesch-Kincaid  scores
Reading ease level:
68  Plain English Grade level: 7

IELTS Level :  4-5

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