do you know about the most famous of Americans? Obama,
Trump, Lincoln, Nixon, Gates, Monroe and more....
correct answer for each of the following statements:

The first President of the United States was: (a) Abraham Lincoln, (b)
Thomas Jefferson (c) George Washington.
2. John F. Kennedy was president for (a)
less than three years (b) over five years (c) almost four years.
3. Which of the following American
presidents was forced to resign?
(a) F.D.Roosevelt, (b) Jimmy
Carter (c) Richard Nixon.
4. The richest man in America in 2021
was; (a) Jeff Bezos, (b) Donald Trump, (c) Bill Gates.
5. Al Capone, probably America's most
famous gangster, operated in (a) Chicago, (b) New York, (c) Boston.
6. The first man to set foot on the moon
was (a) John Glenn (b) Neil Armstrong (c) Glen Miller (d)
Louis Armstrong

Only one of the following was
assassinated; which one? (a) Martin
Luther King (b) John Kennedy (c) Robert Kennedy
(d) Michael Jackson.
8. One man is accepted as being the
father of the
American automobile industry; which one? (a) Pierre Chevrolet, (b)
Harley Davidson, (c) Henry Ford.
9. The real name of the 2016 Nobel Prize
for Literature, Bob Dylan, was (a) Erwin Drumheller, (b)
Zimmermann, (c) Randolph Hearst.
10. Marilyn Monroe once sang "Happy
Birthday" to an
American president; was it (a) Ronald Reagan, (b) Barack Obama, or (c)
11. Who was the founder of CNN television? a)
Nicolas Nicholson , b) Ted Turner, c)
Donald Trump d) Walt Disney ?
12. Which (if any) of these film stars was
governor of the State of California ? a) Clint Eastwood
b) Arnold Schwarzenegger, c) Ronald Reagan.
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