English word games - advanced level
EFL / ESL - level B2 - C1

English idioms - clothes
most languages, English is full of idioms, and a lot of them involve
common items from everyday life. Here are some idiomatic English
expressions using different articles of
clothing. Can you guess which item of clothing must be added to complete each well-known expression? Choose from the list of items of clothing below.
► He always gets hot under the when people discuss politics.
meaning... He always gets very agitated and excited if you start talking about politics.
► What have you got up your ?
meaning... What secrets are you keeping hidden from us?
► Keep your on, will you!
meaning... Don’t start getting angry, please!
► You’ll have to tighten your
meaning... You’ll have to spend less money, or be more efficient.
► In John’s family, it’s the women who wear the
meaning... In John’s family, the women dominate the men.
► You’d better pull your up and try harder!
meaning... You will have to improve your performance and do better next time.
► I wouldn’t like to be in your
meaning... I’m glad I’m not in your situation
► As soon as he retires, I’m going to step into his .
meaning... When he retires, I will take over the job he’s doing at present.
Here are eleven words, in alphabetical order: you will need to use seven of them. One word is used twice.
coat, collar,
hat, pullover, scarf, shirt,
socks, trousers.
When you've chosen an answer for each idiom, and you think that you have got them all right, click below. But try hard first.. don't just take the easy way out !
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