Linguapress Advanced level English
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Linguapress - Advanced English

Linguapress advanced EFL resources: word games and crosswords

Scrambled conversation 

A word game

Interactive: Unscramble the dialogue

Beautiful Melinda has just picked up the phone; on the other end of the line there’s her  handsome boyfriend Karl. Unscramble the conversation, i.e. reorganise  the words and punctuation signs to discover how their conversation really went. The start of the conversation is done for you; the first four words do not need to be moved. Type your unscrambled version in the box below each line.

KARL: Is that you Melinda ? on evening  this do you anything have ?
MELINDA: darling you no , do ?
KARL: we don’t out somewhere for tonight why go a meal ; ?
MELINDA: to love I’d !

KARL: to up me where want you you do pick ?
MELINDA: you don’t like anywhere I mind ; !
KARL: at seven well place come your half over to I’ll around past .
MELINDA: I’m in sure great ! I’ll make time ready !

If you have difficulty discovering the original dialogue for yourself, check with your English teacher !

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This document is copyright ©  renewed 2022
Originally published in Spectrum magazine.

It is free to use and print for individual use, or for use by teachers with their classes.
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In schools declaring the source of copied materials to a national copyright agency, Linguapress advanced level crosswords and resources should be attributed to "Spectrum" as the source and "Linguapresss France" as the publisher. 


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Online English grammar
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Word order in English
Past tenses in English
Language and style 
Themed crosswords for EFL
The short story of English

Multi-copying of this resource is permitted for classroom use. 

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