Linguapress Advanced level English
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Linguapress - Advanced English

English word games - advanced level

EFL / ESL - level  B2  - C1

Linguapress advanced EFL resources: word games and crosswords

holiday Idiomatic English- an interactive quiz 

Idiomatic English......

Like most languages, English is full of idioms, which "crop up" regularly in conversation (though not usually in concentrated doses!) Here is a unusually idiomatic dialogue between Eddie and Sophie. Eddie's just been offered a new job, and he and Sophie can't decide whether to take a holiday , or to keep their money in case they need it later.  Eddie wants to celebrate, Sophie is a bit more cautious.

Select the correct key word from the options proposed

Eddie: There's no reason why we shouldn't  for once!

Sophie: Maybe, but I think it's really throwing money down the  !

Eddie: But we've saved a bit, so let's make   while the sun shines!

Sophie: But I thought we were saving up for a rainy ?

Eddie: Procrastination is the   of time, you know, Sophie! And an hour today is worth tomorrow!

Sophie: Maybe, but remember    and his money are soon parted !

Eddie: Every man is a fool sometimes; and anyway tomorrow never  , does it!

Sophie: Well if that's what you think, why don't we it all at once!

Eddie: Not everything!  That would really be our chickens before the eggs have hatched! Or putting the cart before the  and we might really end up in straits!

When you've chosen an answer for each idiom, and you think that you have got them all right, click below. But try hard first.. don't just take the easy way out !

Click to show answers

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Word order in English
Past tenses in English
Language and style 
Themed crosswords for EFL
The short story of English

Multi-copying of this resource is permitted for classroom use. In schools declaring the source of copied materials to a national copyright agency, Linguapress advanced level resources should be attributed to "Spectrum" as the source and "Linguapresss France" as the publisher.

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