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Intermediate  EFL/ESL resources:  crosswords


Themed vocabulary crossword -

food crossword
A themed vocabulary crossword for intermediate level students of English as a foreign language (EFL), or English as a second language (ESL).  Most of the answers to this crossword have something to do with the subject of  FOOD AND DRINK


1.    It is often eaten at tea time.

3.    Popular breakfast cereal.

4.    Hot pot of meat and vegetables.

8.    Kind of potato associated with 10 across in

          a classic English meal.

9.    It's made friom milk, and its most common form is called "Cheddar".

11.    You usually do this while you eat

12.    Meat taken from a young cow.

15.    Outside of an orange or other types of fruit.

17.    Do you prefer your potatoes boiled __ mashed?

If you can finish this crossword without any help, you're doing well; but you'II probably need to use a dictionary for some


2.    Used for weighing ingredients, when cooking.

5.    Vegetable similar to a pea; popular in Britain, in tomato sauce.

6.    Type of fruit, often used in drinks.

7.    Put this in your drink on a hot day.

9.    Drink to finish a meal with.

10.    A salmon is one, so is a sardine.

13.    Like a tart, but upside-down.

14.    Fruit often used in 13 - can be green, red, or yellow.

16.    A slice of beef, usually grilled.

18.    Cereal much used in Oriental cooking.

19.    White crystals used in food.

of the answers.
TEACHERS: For ideas on using this resource, see the solution page
This resource is © copyright Linguapress 2000-2016.
Originally published in Freeway, the Intermediate level English newsmagazine
More intermediate English crosswords : ► Music crossword,  Animal crossword,  and  more crosswords
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Intermediate  level English for EFL - ESOL

Printable crossword

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This resource is © copyright Linguapress 2000-2016

Conditions of use:
Food and drink crossword - Originally published in Freeway, the Intermediate level English newsmagazine.
Multi-copying of this resource is permitted for classroom use. In schools declaring the source of copied materials to a national copyright agency, Linguapress intermediate level crosswords and resources should be attributed to "Freeway" as the source and "Linguapresss, France" as the publisher.
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