Linguapress Intermediate level English
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Linguapress - Intermediate English

English word games - intermediate level

EFL / ESL - level B1 - B2 

 Intermediate word games mix - 3  

Three more word games 


All the words below contain the word TIN. With the help of the clues, find the eight words ! You'll need to write the answers on a piece of paper.

Clues: these are not in the right order !
A language
 It keeps you warm
Get this from a bee or a wasp
To keep on
When several people come together
Very small
Adding up
A strong smell .

2. The Missing Link

The same common three-letter word can be used to complete all of these words... What is it ?
It's a word you often use !  
- fill in on the screen


3. Transport Square

Find the EIGHT means of transport hidden in this word square. You can move from letter to letter in any direction: up, down, sideways, or diagonally, and you can change direction as often as you want. For example, you can find the word S-H-I-N-E ... but that's no good, as it is not a means of transport !   (One of the means of transport is not much used today in developed countries). You'll need to copy this word square onto a piece of paper

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Also available in French

A selection of other resources in graded English
from Linguapress
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USA - Nevada's extraterrestrials
London's Notting Hill Carnival
Days in the death of Francis X
Mississippi Music
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Blue Gum Tree
And lots more:  More advanced reading texts  
Intermediate resources :
Mystery - the Titanic and the Temple of Doom
The man who invented photography
Who is James Bond ?
Sport: Sports, American style
Big red London buses
USA: Who was Buffalo Bill?
USA: Close encounters with a Twister  
And more:  More intermediate reading texts  
Selected grammar pages
Online English grammar
Nouns in English
Word order in English
Past tenses in English
Language and style 
Themed crosswords for EFL
The short story of English

Multi-copying of this resource is permitted for classroom use. In schools declaring the source of copied materials to a national copyright agency, Linguapress advanced level resources should be attributed to "Spectrum" as the source and "Linguapresss France" as the publisher.

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