Linguapress Intermediate level English
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Linguapress - Intermediate English

English word games - intermediate level

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Themed vocabulary crossword -

A themed vocabulary crossword for intermediate level students of English as a foreign language (EFL), or English as a second language (ESL).   Most of the words in this crossword have something to do with parts of the body, or clothes. If you can finish the crossword with no help, you're doing well; but you'II probably need the help of a dictionary for some of the answers.
If you can finish this crossword without any help, you're doing very well; but there are probably words you don't know. From the clues, think of the word in your own language, then look for (and learn !)  an English translation that will fit in the crossword puzzle.  Clues below.
 Interactive crossword - can be filled in on screen. Put in just one letter per square. To save your result take a screenshot, print or print to file.
1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9
10 11
131415 16
17 18
19 2021
22 23 intermediate crossword


2.    Half way down your arms.

5.    Wear one when it's cold. 

7.    At the end of your arms.

10.    What you hear with.

11.    What you see with.

13.    Opposite of "fronts"

17.    Little white things in your head that bite. 

18.    This grows on your head.

19.    Sort of cord worn round the neck.

20.    If your clothes are dirty, ......... them!

22.    Do all British schoolkids wear uniforms?

23.    It is sometimes worn by Scotsmen.


1. The underneath of a shoe.

3. Flesh, skin, bones, muscle, the lot.

4. Often worn between a vest and a pullover.

6. In winter, people often get a sore ..........

8. Between head and body. 

9. What your eyes do. 

12. Small round object, used to hold things together. 

13. Strip of leather worn round the waist.

14. Side of the face, pink when it's cold.

15. Type of woollen scarf sometimes worn by  ladies over their shoulders

16. What you kiss with. 

21. Pronoun for a man.


More intermediate English crosswords : ► Music crossword,  Animal crossword,  and  more crosswords

This resource is © copyright Linguapress.  Updated from a resource originally published in Freeway, the Intermediate level English newsmagazine

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