
Free English learning resources


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English teaching and study resources -  Free English reading and grammar resources
Interesting, stimulating, challenging, rewarding

searchSearch Linguapress  using - the green search engine is a portal for teachers and learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) and English as a second language (ESL) or English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).  This website provides free online resources for teachers and students; with over 350 web pages, freely accessible to all. No need for an account,  not even an email. Linguapress doesn't track users.
The whole site... not just a demo
for students
FREE for teachers
Anywhere, any time

IF you appreciate our FREE resources, please support us by sharing with your friends and colleagues, or liking or sharing our Facebook page, or buying our acclaimed books for yourself or your school.
 There's no obligation! No charge! graded reading resources are ideally suited for students and classes preparing for national or international English language qualifications, notably IELTS, TOEFL, and the Cambridge First Certificate and Advanced English tests.
💥 Lesson plans / worksheets accompanying reading resources match  the requirements of most current testing systems, and cover reading and writing skills. Interactive exercises include a variety of multiple choice questions, cloze (gap fill) exercises, creative writing and word-formation exercises.
   They also include a wide range of grammar-based exercises and oral and written creative exercises designed to develop the learner's English language skills, as well as test them.
💥 Teaching content index pages allow teachers (or students) to quickly find intermediate or advanced reading resources by CEFR level, illustrating specific grammar points and accompanied by specific types of exercise / classroom activity as needed..
💥 Interactive exercises are suitable for using in class using a projector or connected whiteboard, or can be done by students on their own device.
💥 Audio / podcast recordings of many texts allow students to develop their listening skills and to listen to texts is often as they want outside the classroom.
💥 Vocabulary guides accompany each text.

    In addition to almost 200 culturally relevant graded reading texts in  advanced (B2, C1, C2) and intermediate (A2, B1, B2) English, also offers free access for all to
  • (a) Word games in English. Thematic crosswords in graded English, and other puzzles;
  • (b) A substantial but clearly explained  English grammar, covering all the main points of the English language, its grammar and syntax ; and finally;
  • (c) Resources for English teachers - a mixed bag of pages on teaching methods and ideas, the background to English, and other useful topics.

Linguapress was founded in 1980, as an independent EFL publisher. Now essentially on-line, its principal mission is to make available to all, at no cost, an ever-growing collection of high quality English language teaching and learning resources. Linguapress recently returned to its original mission as a print publisher, and now also publishes a small selection of books.
Linguapress welcomes new content and classroom resource proposals from writers and teachers.

Advanced level English readingClick here for information on background or on contributing to

© Copyright notice:
 All articles and teaching material published on this website remain the copyright © of Linguapress and/or individual authors, except where otherwise stated.

Reproduction of LInguapress material for classroom use.
Feel free to copy or print pages from Linguapress for use in your class: but please note the following points.
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August 2024

References / citations: and pages on this website are referenced by universities, schools and language learning resources worldwide, including:
Cambridge University press - Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English language - further resources. No 226.
Yale University Center for teaching and learning
University of Washington  - English language dictionaries and other resources - the United States Education Resources Information Center.
Oxford University  (now offline) Arts and Humanities community resources database.
Aston University, UK -  Library -  English - Useful Websites
Hong-Kong University - English language support   
University of Franche-Comté, France - Centre for Applied Linguistics
University of Hiroshima, Japan - English learning links / Reading
LATE - The Latvian association of Teachers of English
Anglo learning experiences  - Grammar links - USA - 50 best websites to learn English online
San Francisco State University
EFL magazine  Switzerland  Russia - Useful links
and many more


To reproduce materials from Linguapress in print books, permission must first be requested and obtained. Original content from Linguapress has been licenced for reprinting in English teaching textbooks around the world, to publishers including: Bergmoser & Holler (Germany), Fernand Nathan (France), Hachette (France), Kyogakusha (Japan), Mozaic (Hungary), Munksgaard (Denmark),  NKS Forlaget (Norway), Noordhoff Uitgevers (Netherlands), Obunsha (Japan), Scandinavian University Press (Sweden), Westermann (Germany), Z-Kai (Japan), and others.

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Website and texts © renewed 2024 except where otherwise indicated
Contact: Use the form on our get in touch page

Linguapress EFL  - ESOL
Free teacher and student resources for the study of English. Reading resources, short stories, technical English, grammar resources, and games.
  • Printable reading resources. PDF is not required. Linguapress resources are optimised for printing without conversion to PDF
  • Vocabulary guides
  • Lesson plans / worksheets with all reading resources
  • Interactive exercises for use on screen or whiteboard
  • Ideas for teachers

EFL / ESL resources - main index
Short stories for B1 - C1 levels
with online MP3 audio
For teachers
Teaching ideas practical tips & topics
What are IELTS and TOEFL? and what are the differences ?

Books from Linguapress

A cultural background reader
Background to modern America
More selected titles
from Linguapress and other publishers

CopyrightCopyright information.  

Free to view, free to use, free to print, but not free to copy. except  by teachers for their own classes.
All pages published on are © copyright Linguapress unless otherwise indicated.
Teachers are free to reproduce these resources on paper for use with specific classes, and students are free to print out personal copies of materials from

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Most items in the Linguapress intermediate English archive can be easily printed for classroom use. See Printing Linguapress English resources
Teachers: do you and your students enjoy working with Linguapress ? Let us know what you like best, what you would like to see more of, or any questions you may have.  To send us your views or questions, please use our get-in-touch form.

Since 1980


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