Explaining the differences between all and whole
All and whole - a guide with examples
All and whole are
and as such they
are a form of determiner. They express totality
or completeness.
Sometimes one can choose either of them; but there
are major
differences in their usage, and all
and whole
are not always
- All can be used with nouns or pronouns, in the singular or the plural .
- Whole is essentially used with nouns in the singular. It is occasionally used as a descriptive adjective with nouns in the plural, and cannot normally be used with pronouns..
Page Index : | All with singular nouns | All with plural nouns |
All and pronouns | All as an adverb | Uses of whole |
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All implies a complete number or total entity. An incomplete
number or
entity can be expressed using the negative form of all,
which is not all.
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1. All +singular noun.
There are two possible structures.1.1. The most common is {all + determiner + noun}.
Determiners that can be used in this structure are the definite article the, demonstrative adjectives (this, that), possessive adjectives ( my, your, etc.), possessive forms of the noun (Peter's, the man's, etc.).When the group {all + determiner + noun} is the subject of a statement, the verb is normally in the singular. However, when the noun in the group is a collective noun referring to multiple people, such as team, committee, school, or family, the verb is generally in the plural (examples 3,4 and 5) in British English.
Examples :
- All the factory was on fire
- All my collection of old books has been stolen.
- All the school
know that the principal has won
the lottery.
or All the school knows that the principal has won the lottery. - All my family
are coming to dinner tomorrow.
All my family is coming to dinner tomorrow . sounds improbable - All the President's team is/are standing for re-election.
- All this rubbish must be cleared up at once !
- I want you to clear up all this rubbish.
- Not all your art is valuable. Take care ! This means "Some of your art is not valuable": it does not mean "None of your art is not valuable"
1.2. Less common {all + noun}
This structure is much less common as it can only be used with non-count or uncountable nouns (such as water, oxygen, philosophy). The article must be omitted when the non-count noun is used as an open generalisation.Examples :
- All water is wet.
- I want all alcohol removed from this school.
- All sport is good for you.
- All poetry is not necessarily good poetry.
- Not all poetry is good poetry.
2. All with plural nouns
Plural nouns are by definition count nouns, so the situation is less complicated. As in the singular, there are two structures, with or without a determiner., i.e. {all + determiner + noun} and {all + noun}Whether to use a determiner or not depends on the context, and follows exactly the normal rules for count nouns in the plural. It depends if the noun is being used as an open generalisation (no determiner), examples 1 - 5, or as a limited generalisation (with determiner), examples 6 - 10.
Examples :
- All diamonds are valuable
- All fish live in water.
- I like all kinds of music.
- He gave all sorts of excuses for being late.
- All multinational companies have operations in several countries.
- All the diamonds in this shop are very valuable.
- All the fish that I've eaten have been very tasty.
- I like all the music that you play on your violin.
- All his excuses were quite improbable.
- All the multinational companies in London create lots of jobs.
3. All with pronouns
All can either qualify a pronoun (as in You all) , or can be used on its own as an indefinite pronoun.3.1. All qualifying a pronoun
With pronouns, how all is used depends on whether it comes in front of the pronoun or after it.3.1.1.
Used after the pronoun, all is never followed by of .
{pronoun (+ be)
+ all }
- When all qualifies a subject pronoun, the pronoun and all normally stand together except with copular verbs such as to be; i.e. one can say They are all home...... but not They went all home.
- The simple structure {pronoun + all } can be used with subject pronouns or object pronouns as in they all.... or them all.
3.1.2. In front of the pronoun: all is always followed
by of {all
of + object form pronoun} .
- Note that even when
part of the subject,
the pronoun is always in the object
i.e. we must say all of us / them - never all of we / they),
Compare examples 1 - 5 with examples 8 - 12.
Examples :
Additionally, all
can qualify the singular
pronoun it,
using the same structures
- You all like chicken nuggets, don't you? (Or in popular American slang... Y'all ...)
- We're all in this together.
- They're all asleep.
- You must all get some sleep before the big match.
- Which do you like best ? / I like them all.
- These new rules concern us all.
- I want it all; I want it now (title of classic song by Queen)
- All of you like chicken nuggets, don't you?
- All of us are in this together.
- All of them are asleep.
- All of you must get some sleep before the big match.
- Which do you like best? / I like all of them.
- These new rules concern all of us.
Examples :
- It's all rather interesting.
- All of it needs to repaired at once.
- The project is perfect. I like it all.
- I don't just want part of the story, I want all of it.
3.2. All as a pronoun
All is sometimes used by itself, as an indefinite pronoun, meaning everything or everyone. This mostly occurs as the subject of a sentence, though very occasionally after a preposition.Examples :
- All's well that Ends Well (title of a play by Shakespeare)
- All you need is love (title of classic hit single by the Beatles).
- With love from all.
5. All as an adverb
Occasionally, all is used as an adverb, qualifying an adjective, with the meaning of completely (examples 1 & 2) , or qualifying a preposition such as through or over (examples 3 - 5).Examples :
- She was all sad about having to go home.
- This is an all European research project.
- We drove all through the night.
- Help, there are horrible insects all over the place.
- The success of this company is all down to good management.
Whole - quantifier or adjective or noun
Whole as a quantifier
Whole as a quantifier can only be used with singular nouns, either singular count nouns or singular non-count nouns. It is used exactly like a normal adjective, in the structures:
+ whole + noun} or {determiner
+ whole + adjective + noun}
Note: Whole and place names:
These structures are not used with place names that do not already contain an article, notably the names of countries. One can say the whole United States, but one cannot say the whole England,: one can say the whole of England. See whole as a noun, below.However, by using the whole one stresses the unity of an entity, not its multiple components. Thus when the subject of a sentence is a collective noun implying multiple people , such as team, committee, school, or family, qualified by whole, the verb is normally in the singular (examples 5 - 6). In British English, it can occasionally be used in the singular, as in example 7.
- You will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
- This whole story has been made up.
- We'll have to repaint the whole room.
- There was a whole complicated dossier to fill in.
- The whole English team was welcomed at Buckingham Palace.
- The whole committee was in favour of the motion.
- Our whole family like to meet up once each year.
Whole as an adjective
Occasionally, whole functions as a descriptive adjective, a synonym of entire or complete. In this function, it can qualify plural nounsExamples :
- Whole collections of Roman bronzes are extremely rare.
- The tsunami washed away whole sections of the coastline.
- We only sell whole computers, not the separate components.
- Whole oranges are used to make the best marmelade.
Whole as a noun
Finally, whole is also sometimes as a noun, notably with the indefinite article, a whole, meaning a complete unit, or in the expression the whole of (notably with place names) and in the expression "on the whole", meaning generally speaking. There is one common expression where it is used with a pronoun: the whole of it.Examples :
- Two halves make a whole.
- The whole of France was waiting for the news.
- The whole of the USA is covered by snow.
- Here are statistics for the whole of Britain.
- The whole of our history has been marked by political rivalry.
- The whole of the city was without electricity.
- On the whole (As a whole), I think the exhibition is rather good..
- I thought he'd eat some of the cake, but not the whole of it !
Going further: All and whole are among the tricky common English words explained with even more pertinent examples in Problem words in English (Ebook or paperback) .
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