Numbers & counting in English
and expressing
numbers in written and spoken language

Index : | Numbers - cardinals | Numbers - ordinals | Fractions and decimals |
1. Cardinal numbers
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Cardinal numbers are the numbers that we use for counting or designating quantity : English-speakers use them every day - one two three four etc. In terms of grammar, they belong to the category of determining adjectives.
From 0 to 100 - From zero to a hundred
The number 0 is variously expressed as nought (in British English) or zero (in all forms of English) : in the middle of a series of digits, it may also be pronounced "oh". Everyone has heard of James Bond, also known as 007. That is pronounced "oh-oh-seven" or "double-oh-seven", but never "nought-nought-seven" nor "zero-zero-seven".
Here are the important cardinal numbers between one and a hundred, which can serve as models for other numbers.
1 | one | 11 | eleven | 21 | twenty-one |
2 | two | 12 | twelve | 22 | twenty-two |
3 | three | 13 | thirteen | 30 | thirty |
4 | four | 14 | fourteen | 40 | forty |
5 | five | 15 | fifteen | 50 | fifty |
6 | six | 16 | sixteen | 60 | sixty |
7 | seven | 17 | seventeen | 70 | seventy |
8 | eight | 18 | eighteen | 80 | eighty |
9 | nine | 19 | nineteen | 90 | ninety |
10 | ten | 20 | twenty | 100 | a hundred |
Watch out for spelling: fourteen but forty.
Numbers from 101 to 999 - three-digit numbers
In the USA, the word and is normally omitted.
A hyphen (-) is normally used in numbers between 21 and 99, whether these stand alone or are part of a larger number.
From these examples, all other three-digit numbers in English can be formed.
101 | a hundred and one | 365 | three hundred and sixty-five |
111 | a hundred and eleven | 480 | four hundred and eighty |
121 | a hundred and twenty-one | 545 | five hundred and forty-five |
133 | a hundred and thirty-three | 644 | six hundred and forty-four |
257 | two hundred and fifty-seven | 799 | seven hundred and ninety-nine |
The word "hundred" , except as a round number (a number ending in 00), is always followed by "and", both in spoken British English and in written English when long numbers are written out as words.
The word hundred never takes an "s" as part of a cardinal number.For numbers between 100 and 199, one normally says "a hundred" and not "one hundred".
The expression "one hundred" is used only to put emphasis on the figure one (i.e. one, not two nor three), or to stress the word.
I counted one hundred and twenty planes (and not 220 nor 320)
Hundreds in the plural
The words hundred, thousand and million never take an s in the plural as cardinal numbers (which are a form of adjective).They only take an s when used as nouns designating an imprecise quantity of hundreds or thousands, etc., followed by of ...
Thousands of people crammed into the stadium
Numbers from 1000 to 1,000,000
- Apart from round numbers (numbers ending in 00) long numbers above 1000 are normally written in figures, not in words. They are written in words here as a means to show how they are used in spoken English.
1000 | a thousand | 4656 | four thousand six hundred and fifty-six |
1001 | a thousand and one | 10,000 | ten thousand |
1086 | one thousand and eighty-six | 10,148 | ten thousand one hundred and forty-eight |
1147 | one thousand one hundred and forty-seven | 65,423 | sixty-five thousand four hundred and twenty-three |
1201 | one thousand two hundred and one | 100,000 | A hundred thousand |
3600 | three thousand six hundred | 699,482 | Six hundred and ninety-nine thousand four hundred and eighty-two |
In the USA, the word and is usually omitted.
So in American English 250,000 is expressed as Two hundred fifty thousand.
- After 1000, if the word "hundred" does not occur in the number, it is the word thousand which is followed by and.
- Apart from round numbers (1000, 7000 etc) there will always be an and somewhere in the number.
(or in US English : One thousand eighteen)
43,003 = forty-three thousand and three
56,100 = fifty-six thousand one hundred
25,864 = Twenty-five thousand eight hundred and sixty-four
- In numbers from 1100 to 1199, the single hundred will be pronounced one and not a.
- Four-digit numbers below 2000 (and rarely above) may sometimes also be expressed starting with "eleven hundred", "twelve hundred", etc.
1100 = One thousand one hundred or Eleven hundred
22,100 = twenty-two thousand one hundred.
654,122 = Six hundred and fifty-four thousand, one hundred and twenty-two
- The word hundred is always followed by "and" once it is followed by another digit, and even if it occurs more than once in the number.
- As cardinal numbers, neither hundred nor thousand ever take a plural "s". (More)
- Whether writing long numbers in English, whether in figures or in words, it is normal to put a comma every three digits.The comma is optional with four-digit numbers.
44,399 Forty-four thousand, three hundred and ninety-nine
637,316 = Six hundred and thirty-seven thousand, three hundred and sixteen.
Numbers greater than a million
The same principles apply.The number simply starts with a quantity of millions, for example
One million...
or Twenty-five million...
or Eight hundred and twenty million...
Two billion
1,002,018 = One million two thousand and eighteen
1,001,116 = One million one thousand one hundred and sixteen.
736,654,121 = Seven hundred and thirty-six million, six hundred and fifty-four thousand, one hundred and twenty-one
Other points to remember:
Figures can be expressed differently when they refer to dates and telephone numbers, or when they are after a decimal point.► Going further: Numbers used as pronouns: See Indefinite & gender-neutral pronouns
Index : | Numbers - cardinals | Numbers - ordinals | Fractions and decimals |